![]() OTT-S Telescope - Cryo & Cabin Environment MonitoringA black number indicates a normal value.A red number indicates a too high or a too low value. A blue number indicates a value that has not been updated during the last 5 minutes. A magenta number indicates a BAD value that has not been updated during the last 5 minutes. You can click on any slot to get to a page showing graphs for that slot. Daily log-files with the raw ASCII-data can be found here. SLOT 2025-02-14 04:56:00 UTC 101 CDMS Rack Temperature 22.14 C 102 Cabinet Rack Temperature 20.17 C 103 Trolley Temperature 13.49 C 104 Elevation Cabin Temperature 21.05 C 105 Azimuth Cabin Temperature 18.19 C 109 Trolley Humidity 41.19 % 110 Elevation Cabin Humidity 21.56 % 201 LNA-A Temperature 11.73 K 202 LNA-B Temperature 12.02 K 203 Cryobox Temperature (10K stage) Head 11.50 K 204 Cryobox Temperature (10K stage) Plate 11.60 K 205 Cryobox Temperature (50K stage) Head 54.38 K 206 Cryobox Temperature (50K stage) Plate 61.22 K 301 Vacuum pressure 4.50E-06 mbar 401 Helium Pressure In 18.15 bar 402 Helium Pressure Out 7.89 bar 501 Azimuth Position 0.00 deg 502 Elevation Position 89.97 deg
Last modified: 14 February 2025 |